
Remediation Services Inc.



Safeguarding the safety and health of our employees, subcontractors, and related personnel is of the highest importance. The goal of our ongoing safety and health program is "zero incidents" on all job-sites.

RSI provides a safe and healthy work environment for its employees and expect our employees to observe safe work procedures at all times. Safety is a core value of our culture, and we are dedicated to protecting the safety and health of all those associated with our company and those we work with. 


We provide appropriate and applicable safety and health training to our employees and all employees abide by the Site Safety & Health rules that apply to their work situations.  All RSI personnel and subcontractor personnel take necessary precautions to protect the public, the facilities, the personnel, and the tenants of the client from any hazards involving safety and health arising from the scope of work.

 All employees participate in a comprehensive medical monitoring program and all project personnel are under annual medical surveillance. RSI is a drug-free company that participates in the U.S. Department of Transportation Random Sampling Program.

Parsons, Kansas

Parsons, Kansas


All of our personnel are 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) trained prior to working on-site and are kept updated with annual 8-hour refresher training.  Annual physicals and respirator fit tests are required of employees involved in activities at HTRW sites. All field supervisors are also required to be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid.


All employees acting in on-site supervisory capacity are also required to take the 8-hour supervisor safety training as required by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and all RSI Team employees who work on construction sites, including HTRW construction sites, have taken the OSHA 10-hour Construction Safety Course.  

Quality Control

We operate under well-documented and strictly enforced quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures for field activities, investigation, document/report preparation, remediation implementation, and LTM activities.  Projects proceed in a series of logical steps, from initial project staffing to implementation of the remedial design and completion of the finished documents.  

The QC process has been developed to occur at strategic milestones during the project process as well as a continual “Hands On” approach throughout the project time frame. Our project staff becomes a team that shares a common purpose and goal to provide the highest quality professional services that exceeds the client’s expectations.

Quality is ensured through judicious use of tools and resources, systematic actions, attentive planning, and continual project review for all aspects of the project.  Standards and procedures to follow for successful project planning, field activities, and remediation implementation will be presented in the CQCP.


RSI condemns all forms of human trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children, and is supportive of the US Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons to combat human trafficking, and will ensure the risk of such practices is mitigated within the business.


RSI's Workers Compensation Experience Modification Rate (EMR)

2014 - 0.71 | 2015 - .71 | 2016 - .71 | 2017 - .73 | 2018 - .76 | 2019 - .80

avetta 2020.PNG

Liability Insurance

RSI maintains the insurance limits listed below and our Excess Umbrella coverage covers over all other policies listed. RSI will provide increased limits of coverage as needed on a specific client / project basis.

General Liability Insurance (GL): $2,000,000

Pollution Liability Insurance (PL): $1,000,000

Employers Liability Insurance: $1,000,000

Automotive Liability Insurance (AL): $1,000,000

Workman’s Compensation: Statutory

Excess Umbrella Form: $6,000,000 
